
12th July, 10:45-12:15 in the DAI library (top floor)

# Name Poster Title
1 M. Rządeczkark Computational Psychiatry Meets Evolutionary Psychology. Exploring Neurodiversity Through the Lens of Dysregulated Heuristics and Cognitive Biases
2 N. Bössel Searching for cognitive flexibility subtypes in deep phenotyping of depression: a study outline
3 K. Gentsch Exploring the cognition-emotion link based on short self-referential sentences
4 A. Sahm From Cognition to Convalescence: Does Brain Activity Under Cognitive Load Predict Clinical Change in Patients with Psychosis?
5 L. Kirchner Modeling distorted social functioning in mental disorders: An active inference approach
6 I. Jarvers The Role of Alexithymia for Anorexia Nervosa during COVID-19
7 A. Klimesch Childhood trauma in the adult brain: The relationship between adverse childhood experiences, brain structure, and mental health in adulthood
8 T. Folyi Deficit in using emotional information in a flexible, goal-directed way in social anxiety: Insights from an endogenous spatial cueing task with emotional cues
9 F. Mink Arousal in emotional misattribution? Evidence for physiological influences on behavioral judgments
10 L. Lipinski A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the care model Coordinated Treatment with the Involvement of Health Mentors (KOBEG) for refugees with mental disorders
11 Z. Pálffy Individual differences in perceptual decision-making: assessment of temporal stability
12 F. Hann Usually, I don't ruminate, only from time to time: the predictive value of trait and state measures of rumination for the intensity of affective states
13 K. Hagelweide TBD
14 K. Witte People who worry more explore more: Relating anxious and depressive traits to exploration behaviour in safety and risk
15 J. Broll Assessing the Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Brief Resilience Scale in a Clinical Sample: Psychometric Properties and Validity Assessment
16 M. S. Söker Personalized digital training to enhance personality functioning during psychotherapy for depression (PERFUNC): Conceptualization and pilot trial
17 M. Antunovic Phenomenological control predicts performance on the heartbeat counting task
18 M. Neidhart Examination of the structure and prediction of delusional experiences in a large German sample
19 C. Bolte Functional neurological movement disorders – From mechanisms to therapy
20 J. Friedrich Automated motor tic detection – a machine learning approach